Ok so you have booked your surfing holiday and have a few weeks to get fit. Now the surf holiday is gonna be as much about chillin out on the beach as surfing so we are not going to go all Army on you and tell you to hit the gym everyday!

We have all heard of the surf fitness videos, books, boards & other product that you can buy but lets be honest unless you have a lot of time and are very dedicated they are all fairly useless.

There is a however a small bit of exercise that you can do to help you get the best out of a surf holiday. When you get out surfing most of the exercise you will do will be paddling with your arms and popping up onto the board. This will involve arm, shoulder, back and stomach movement and a bit of general fitness

Below is a quick and easy plan to try and follow:

Week 1
3 times a week (takes 20 minutes)
   - 5 press ups (do them slowly and keep your back straight)
   - 5 sit ups (put a small towel under your lower back for support)
   - Repeat 3 times
1 x 20 minute jog a week (around the block - bring a watch and your ipod!)

Week 2:
3 times a week
   - 5 press ups
   - 5 sit ups
   - Repeat 4 times
2 x 20 minute jog

Week 3:
3 times a week
   - 10 press ups
   - 10 sit ups
   - Repeat 3 times
2 x 20 minute jog

Week 4:
3 times a week
   - 10 press ups
   - 10 sit ups
   - Repeat 4times
2 x 20 minute jog

Obviously you can do more or less depending on how you get on and very soon you will be ready to surf like Kelly Slater (eh slight exaggeration allowed for emphasis )