With a line up that reads like the top 10 big wave surfers in the world, our November surf clip of the month is Surf Portual's 'Nazaré Blow Up'.  If you need any run down on what this breath taking clip is all about, then think some of the biggest waves every ridden by the bravest/most foolish surfers out there.
Nazaré is the town in Portugal (1 hour 30 minutes drive north of Lisbon if ever you want to visit) holding mother nature's ginormous waves, and Carlos Burle is the name of the Brazilian surfer who everyone is talking about as possibly having ridden one of the biggest waves ever witnessed.  Think approaching the 100ft mark. Yep- what happened on Monday 29th October 2013 is that awe-inspiring.  Take a look for yourself:

Nazaré Blow Up from SURFPortugal Mag on Vimeo.

This article was added by Francesca Bingley